May 24, 2021 | Lawn Care Management | Kylie Kelty
Many of the routine things we do for our lawns – the mundane things we take for granted – actually play a critical role in the health of our turfgrass. By making sure to follow lawn maintenance best practices upfront, you can prevent future problems down the road.
Everyone knows you must mow your grass, or your yard will look messy. (You could even be hit with city fines in certain places!) However, many people aren’t sure what height to set their mower to. We service customers in the Louisville metro area, as well as southern Indiana. This particular area is a transition zone. At Farison Lawn Care, we see lawns with both cool-season and warm-season grasses. Cool-season grasses tend to prefer a taller height, while warm-season grasses like to be mowed shorter. If you’re not sure which varieties you have on your lawn, you can always ask the professionals at Farison!
Mowing at the wrong height can stress the grass and cause it to thin or die out completely. It also invites any weeds to germinate. They need a lot of direct sun to grow, and if you mow too short, you’ll give them that access.
Turf species Mower Height
Kentucky bluegrass 3 inches
Tall fescue 3 inches
Turf species Mower Height
Bermudagrass 3 inches
Mowing the lawn with dull blades is just like trying to shave with a dull razor. You’re not going to get the job done right, and you’ll rip the grass in the process. When grass does not have a clean trim, it can develop diseases – especially fungal diseases. It will also give the grass a torn appearance and may create uneven patches. You may end up having to spend money on overseeding to replace these patchy areas.
It’s easy to fall into the same routine when mowing your lawn, but doing this can cause your grass to develop ruts from the wheels. It can also train the grass to grow in that direction instead of directly up. If you normally mow across the lawn, try mowing diagonally next time.
Does the sparkplug need to be replaced? Have you checked the oil and removed any lingering gasoline that was left in the tank? These are all things you should look out for when bringing your mower out for the season. If you’ve got an electric or battery-powered mower, make sure there are no cuts or problems with the cord and the battery is fully charged before you mow for the first time. It may have lost some of its charge over the winter.
Overwatering the lawn can cause soil erosion, disease, and a high water bill! Grass only needs about 1.5 inches of water a week at the max. If it rains, you may not need to water at all. The best time to water is in the morning, before 10:00 AM, so the grass has time to absorb the water before the high heat of midday. Don’t waste your money watering every day, and don’t forget to factor in rainfall!
Some people aren’t fans of mulching the grass clippings, but you can get a free source of nutrients by doing so. As long as you mow regularly, the grass clippings should be an appropriate length to mulch. They will quickly break down and return minerals and nutrients to the lawn. Just be careful not to go too long between mowings. Otherwise, the clippings may be too long and could smother the grass. Also, make sure to discharge the clippings towards the grass that has already been mowed. Otherwise, you’re just making things harder for each pass of the mower, and you’ll dull the blades faster.
The blades won’t be able to cut the grass properly and can tear or pull out the grass rather than shear it. When grass is ripped out, it can damage the plant and ruin the look of your lawn.
The first thing we’ll do to keep weeds out of your yard is apply pre-emergent weed control. It will target seasonal broadleaf weeds before they crop up. If you’ve already noticed weeds, don’t worry. We can apply post-emergent weed control, which is the counterpart to pre-emergent weed control. Post-emergent control is designed to eliminate weeds that have already germinated. It may take about two weeks and two mowings before it’s fully effective, but it comes with a 30-day warranty. For any stingy weeds or regrowth, we will spot spray within that 30-day window, so you don’t have to put up with skin-irritating plants. If it is past 30 days, we will go ahead and apply the next scheduled broadleaf weed control application.
Proper lawn care is worth it, but it can be time-consuming. Why not leave it to the pros? You’ll come home to a beautiful yard, and you won’t have to lift a finger! If you live in the Kentuckiana area, the experts at Farison Lawn Care can get your yard looking dapper in no time. Our lawn care program delivers all the essential nutrients your turfgrass needs, plus weed control to keep unwanted vegetation out. We time our visits so they respond to your lawn’s changing needs throughout the spring, summer, and fall. To learn more, call (502) 245-9422 or leave us a message online. To brush up on other lawn care topics, you can browse our monthly blog page. We discuss everything from lawn care to pest control.
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