January 15, 2020 | Lawn Care Management | Kylie Kelty
Taking care of your lawn all year is hard work and the work never seems to end. Keeping the lawn healthy, beautiful, and weed-free stumps even the best of us. Learning how to nurture the lawn and bring out its beauty is an art and a science, one that you can learn and become skilled at. The Essential Lawn Care Guide for 2020, from the experts at Farison Lawn Care, can help you get started.
The first thing to know about your lawn is that it’s a living, breathing, eating organism. From the top of your blades of grass down to the microbe-rich soil below, your lawn is an ecosystem that has needs. Meeting those needs is how you start caring for your lawn. That’s where fertilizers come in.
Fertilizing your lawn is the best way to give your lawn all of the nutrients it needs, but it’s not as simple as going to your local hardware store and buying the first bag of grass fertilizer that you see. All lawns will have different needs depending on the grass-type and the season. Here in Kentucky, we can have warm-season or cool-season grass in our lawns, depending on where we live. Find out your grass-type before choosing a fertilizer.
Seasonally, the needs of a lawn will vary. Typically, a lawn needs specific nutrients in the spring to help it wake up and green-up. In the summer, your lawn will need help weathering the heat and drought conditions. In the fall, the lawn loves a good winterizer to help its roots grow, helping it stockpile nutrients for winter dormancy. Getting the fertilizer and the timing right is essential. Using the wrong fertilizer, using too much, or using it at the wrong time can result in damage to the lawn. Investing in a lawn care program from Farison Lawn Care is a good way to be sure your lawn is getting the right treatment at the right time, every time.
Look, nobody wants weeds in their lawn. They sprout up fast, never know when to give up, and are just plain ugly. To top it all off, weeds hurt your yard. Every weed in your yard steals from your grass. Weeds steal space, sunlight, nutrients, and water from your hardworking grass. These pest-plants come in all shapes and sizes. Here’s a list of some of the most common weeds plaguing our Kentucky lawns.
So what does a good weed control schedule look like? Starting early is key. It’s better to prevent than to be playing catch-up. In the early spring, use a pre-emergent herbicide on your lawn. Pre-emergents work by preventing grassy-type weeds, like crabgrass, from germinating. It won’t prevent all the weeds in the spring, but it’s an excellent first step in your weed control plan. The reduction in early-spring weeds allows your lawn to grow in strong and healthy without as much stress and competition.
Unfortunately, weeds are crafty and persistent. They will always find a way into your lawn and when you find them germinating, it’s best to use a post-emergent herbicide. Spot-treat your yard throughout the spring and summer to keep the weeds at bay.
In the fall, broadleaf weeds have a second bloom. Use a broadleaf weed control to finish off this last wave and free your lawn from the thieving weeds. If you want to make sure your lawn gets weed-free and stays weed-free all year, then invest in a lawn care program from Farison Lawn Care.
Caring for your lawn is a tough job. It’s admirable that you want to start nurturing your lawn, and our lawn care guide for 2020 definitely helps you get started. However, it will take time to become an expert. If you want to give your lawn the best care right now, then call the experts at Farison Lawn Care. Our lawn care program is second to none, offering a stellar fertilization schedule and weed control like you wouldn’t believe. Don’t wait, call now.
Start your new year in lawn care right by calling Farison Lawn Care at (502) 245-9422 or get an easy, free quote here. If you want more tips and tricks like our lawn care guide for 2020, then visit our blog, you’re gonna love it. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest news and offerings, first.
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