
Weed Bed Control

How to Identify Common Lawn Fungus in Kentucky

When it comes to lawn fungus identification in

How to Prevent Lawn and Grass Diseases

March 1, 2024 | Seasonal Dangers | Kylie Kelty

A vibrant, lush lawn is the crowning jewel

Prep Your Lawn For Summer

As spring turns into summer, heat waves will

Common Fungal Diseases That Plague Our Yards In Spring

March 14, 2022 | Seasonal Dangers | Kylie Kelty

From leaf spot to brown patch, there’s no shortage of fungal diseases waiting to feast on our trees, shrubs, and turfgrass. Learn how to identify the most common diseases as you go about your spring yard maintenance.

Are Heat & Drought Stress Ruining Your Louisville Lawn?

July 12, 2021 | Seasonal Dangers | Kylie Kelty

Heat and drought can negatively impact your Louisville lawn during the summer when the weather is consistently hot and overly dry. Your lawn can have one or both at the same time. It’s important to understand what these lawn stressors are, how they are different, similar and what we can do to minimize their long-term impact. That’s why Farison Lawn Care has outlined for you all the information you need to know.

Why You Should Fertilize Your Lawn in the Fall

November 16, 2020 | Seasonal Dangers | Kylie Kelty

Preparing your lawn for fall in Kentucky can look a little different than other places. Learn how to make sure your lawn is in the best shape year-round with these tips!

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